win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window-drawing functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
WinCopyRect         Copies a rectangle
WinDrawBitmap       Draws a bitmap
WinDrawBorder       Draws a border
WinDrawText         Draws a single line of formatted text
WinEqualRect        Compares two rectangles for equality
WinFillRect         Draws a filled rectangular area
WinInflateRect      Expands a rectangle
WinIntersectRect    Calculates intersection of two source rectangles
WinInvertRect       Inverts a rectangular area
WinIsRectEmpty      Determines whether a rectangle is empty
WinMapWindowPoints  Converts set of points between coordinate spaces
WinOffsetRect       Offsets a rectangle
WinPtInRect         Determines whether a point is within a rectangle
WinScrollWindow     Scrolls the contents of a window rectangle
WinSetRect          Sets the coordinates of a rectangle
WinSetRectEmpty     Sets a rectangle to empty
WinSubtractRect     Subtracts rectangles
WinUnionRect        Calculates a union rectangle