win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
WinCreateWindow           Creates a window
WinDestroyWindow          Destroys a window
WinEnableWindow           Sets the window-enabled state
WinIsWindow               Determines whether a window is valid
WinIsWindowEnabled        Determines whether a window is enabled
WinLockWindow             Locks or unlocks a window
WinQuerySysModalWindow    Retrieves the system-modal window
WinQueryWindowLockCount   Retrieves the window lock count
WinQueryWindowPtr         Retrieves a pointer from reserved memory
WinQueryWindowULong       Retrieves a ULONG value from reserved memory
WinQueryWindowUShort      Retrieves an integer from reserved memory
WinRegisterWindowDestroy  Notifies applications when a window is destroyed
WinSetSysModalWindow      Makes a window system modal
WinSetWindowBits          Writes into a bit field
WinSetWindowPtr           Places a pointer in reserved memory
WinSetWindowULong         Places a ULONG value in reserved memory
WinSetWindowUShort        Places an integer in reserved memory
WinSubclassWindow         Creates a subclass of a window