◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────Microsoft Advisor────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Select Items from a List You can select items from a list to change directories and drives, you can also select those items you do or do not want from a list box. ┌ Dirs/Drives─┐ ┌─List Boxes────────┐ │ BIN ↑ As you change the │ app.c pcd.twr │ │ LIB █ Dirs/Drives, the │ back.c side.c │ │ .. ▒ contents of the ───► │ color.h yaroz.c │ │ [-C-] ▒ list box changes │ ipad.txt zero.bas │ │ [-Z-] ↓ to reflect the │ │ └─────────────┘ new contents └←█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒→┘ ┌───────────────────┐ Your current drive │ File:[menu.c··] │ Current drive and directory appear │ C:\BIN\menu.c ◄─┼─ and directory on the second line selection of the dialog box Select the double dots (..) to move up one directory level. To select items from a list box: Mouse: ■ Click the arrows or drag the scroll box to move through the list of drives and directories. ■ Double-click the directory or drive you want. Keyboard: ■ Press TAB to move the cursor into the list box ■ Use the ARROW keys to highlight your selection. ■ Press ENTER. See: ◄Tips for Using Dialog Boxes► -♦-