advr.hlp (Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
DATA, READ, RESTORE Statement Details
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 DATA constant [,constant]...
 READ variablelist
 RESTORE [label | linenumber]
 Usage Notes
   ■ A DATA statement can contain as many constants as will fit on a line
     (constants must be separated by commas). There is no limit to the number
     of DATA statements that can be used in a single program.
   ■ DATA statements are used in the order in which they appear in the source
     file. Consider the items in several DATA statements as one continuous
     list of items, regardless of how many items are in a statement or where
     the statement appears in the program.
   ■ Names of symbolic constants (defined in a CONST statement) that appear
     in DATA statements are interpreted as strings rather than as names of
     constants. For example, in the following code fragment, the second data
     item is a string (PI), and not the value 3.141593:
         CONST PI = 3.141593           ' PI defined as constant = 3.141593
         DATA 2.20,PI,45,7             ' Statement recognizes PI, not value
     See: CONST Statement  Symbolic Constants
   ■ Null data items (indicated by a missing value) can appear in a data
         DATA 1,2,,4,5
   ■ When a null item is read into a numeric variable, the variable has the
     value 0. When a null item is read into a string variable, the variable
     has the null string value ("").
   ■ When you are working in the programming environment, you can only enter
     DATA statements in module-level code. Visual Basic moves all DATA
     statements not in the module-level code to the module-level code when
     it reads a source file. If you are using DATA statements within an
     event procedure, you must manually move the statements to the module
   ■ REM statements appearing at the end of DATA statements must be preceded
     by a colon (:). Otherwise, Visual Basic interprets trailing REM
     statements as string data. See: REM Statement
   ■ Do not use the single-quotation form of REM (') in a DATA statement
     because it will be considered valid data.
   ■ READ statements must appear in the same program module as the DATA
   ■ Each variable in a READ statement receives its value from a DATA
     statement. Which value the variable receives depends on how many values
     have previously been read.
   ■ Since the values of all DATA statements in a module can be considered
     a single list of values, each value in this list is assigned in turn
     to the variables specified in READ statements.
   ■ The number of values specified in a given DATA statement or variables
     specified in a READ statement doesn't matter: If you attempt to read
     more values than are specified in all the statements combined, Visual
     Basic generates the error message, "Out of Data."
   ■ Only individual elements of a record variable can appear in a READ
   ■ Previously read DATA statements can be reread using the RESTORE
   ■ When you attempt to read data of one data type into a variable with a
     different data type, the following results can occur:
         Action                           Result
         ═════════════════════════════    ══════════════════════════════════
         String value is read into a      Run-time error
         numeric variable
         Numeric value is read into a     Value is stored as a string of
         string variable                  numerals; no error produced
         Numeric value is read into       Value is rounded before it is
         integer variables                assigned to the variable
         Numeric value is read into a     Run-time error
         variable not large enough to
         handle the numeric variable
         String value is read into        Truncated if string is too long;
         fixed- ength string variables    left-justified and padded with
                                          blanks if string is shorter than
                                          the variable