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PALETTE [attribute%, color%]
PALETTE USING arrayname[(index%)]
Usage Notes (General)
■ The argument color% must be a long integer expression for the IBM
Video Graphics Array adapter (VGA) and IBM Multicolor Graphics Array
adapter (MCGA) in screen modes 11 to 13. Integer or long integer
expressions can be used with the IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA).
■ The following table lists attribute and color ranges for various adapter
types and screen modes:
Screen Monitor Attribute Color PALETTE
Mode Attached Adapter Range Range Supported
══════ ══════════════════ ═══════ ═════════ ════════════ ═════════
0 Monochrome MDPA 0-15 No
Monochrome EGA 0-15 0-2 Yes
Color CGA 0-15 No
Color/Enhanced(1) EGA 0-15 0-15/0-63 Yes
Analog VGA 0-15 0-63 Yes
Color/Analog MCGA 0-15 0-63 No
1 Color CGA 0-3 0-15(2) No
Color/Enhanced(1) EGA 0-3 0-15 Yes
Analog VGA 0-3 0-15 Yes
Color/Analog MCGA 0-3 0-15 No
2 Color CGA 0-1 No
Color/Enhanced(1) EGA 0-1 0-15 Yes
Analog VGA 0-1 0-15 Yes
Color/Analog MCGA 0-1 0-15 No
3 Monochrome HGC 0-1 No
4 Color/Enhanced OCGA/(7) 0-1 0-15(3) No
7 Color/Enhanced(1) EGA 0-15 0-15 Yes
VGA 0-15 0-15 Yes
8 Color/Enhanced(1) EGA 0-15 0-15 Yes
VGA 0-15 0-15 Yes
9 Enhanced(1) EGA(4) 0-3 0-63 Yes
Enhanced(1) EGA(5) 0-15 0-63 Yes
Analog VGA 0-16 0-63 Yes
0 Monochrome EGA 0-3 0-8 Yes
Analog VGA 0-3 0-8 Yes
1 Analog VGA 0-1 0-262,143(6) Yes
Analog MCGA 0-1 0-262,143(6) Yes
2 Analog VGA 0-15 0-262,143(6) Yes
3 Analog VGA 0-255 0-262,143(6) Yes
Analog MCGA 0-255 0-262,143(6) Yes
(1) IBM Enhanced Color Display.
(2) Color range available for attribute 0 only.
(3) Color range available for attribute 1 only.
(4) With 64K of EGA memory.
(5) With more than 64K of EGA memory.
(6) Range of display colors is actually from 0 to 4,144,959, but only
262,144 of these can be displayed.
(7) Olivetti CGA, EGA and VGA.
■ The SCREEN statement lists the colors available for various screen
modes, monitor, and graphics adapter combinations.
See: ◄SCREEN Statement►
■ The argument arrayname is an array that contains more than one display
color. It must be a long integer array for VGA and MCGA adapters in
screen modes 11 to 13. Otherwise, the array can be either an integer
or long-integer array.
■ The argument index% is the index of the first array element to use in
setting the palette.
■ The PALETTE statement provides a way of mapping display colors (the
actual binary values used by the adapter) to color attributes (a smaller
set of values).
■ When a program enters a screen mode, the attributes are set to a series
of default color values. See: ◄Color Attributes and Values (SCREEN)►
■ In the EGA, VGA, and MCGA adapters the default values have been selected
so the display shows the same colors, even though the EGA uses different
color values. Use the PALETTE statement to assign different colors to
the attributes.
■ Use a PALETTE statement with no arguments to set the palette back to the
default color values.
■ After a PALETTE statement is executed with arguments, the graphics
adapter uses the display color associated with the attribute whenever
an attribute argument appears in a statement such as DRAW or LINE.
See: ◄DRAW Statement► ◄LINE Statement►
■ Changing the display color assigned to an attribute changes those
colors currently displayed on the screen associated with that
attribute. For example, assume that the current palette contains
colors 0, 1, 2, and 3 in the four attributes numbered 0, 1, 2, and 3.
The following DRAW statement selects attribute 3, and draws a line of
100 pixels using the display color associated with attribute 3, in
this case also 3:
DRAW "C3L100"
If the following statement is executed, the color associated with
attribute 3 is changed to color 2:
All text or graphics currently on the screen displayed using attribute
3, including the line that is 100 pixels long, are instantaneously
changed to color 2. Text or graphics subsequently displayed with
attribute 3 are also displayed in color 2. The new palette of colors
contains 0, 1, 2, and 2.
■ Attribute 0 is always the screen background color. Under a common
initial palette setting, points colored with the attribute 0 appear
black on the display screen. For example, you can use the PALETTE
statement to change the mapping of attribute 0 from black to white.
■ Use the COLOR statement to change the screen background color in
modes 1 and 7-10. See: ◄COLOR Statement►
■ The 64 EGA colors are derived from four levels each of red, green, and
blue. For example, black is composed of red, green, and blue levels of
(0,0,0), bright white is (3,3,3), dark gray is (1,1,1), and so on.
■ The best way to see the Visual Basic color code (0-63) associated with
each combination of red, green, and blue levels is to run the following
' Display the EGA color codes 1 through 63
' using color code 0 (black) as background.
SCREEN 9 'Establish EGA screen mode
' Display a set of nine color bars.
FOR CC% = 1 TO 9
LINE (((CC% * 64) - 24), 40)-STEP(60, 140), CC%, BF
' Display seven sets of nine color bars.
' A new set is displayed each time user presses a key.
FOR Set% = 0 TO 6
FOR ColorBar% = 1 TO 9
DisplayCode% = (Set% * 9) + ColorBar%
LOCATE 15, (ColorBar% * 8)
PRINT DisplayCode%
PALETTE ColorBar%, DisplayCode%
NEXT ColorBar%
■ To calculate a VGA color value, select the intensities of red, green,
and blue. The intensity of a color is a number from 0 (low intensity)
to 63 (high intensity). Then use the following formula to calculate
the actual color number:
color number = 65536 * blue + 256 * green + red
This formula yields integer values from 0 to 4,144,959; however, since
there are gaps in the range of color numbers, it's better to use the
formula rather than just select a number.
■ When used with the IBM Analog Monochrome Monitor, the VGA color values
are converted to a gray-scale value by taking a weighted sum of the red,
blue, and green intensities:
gray value = 11% blue + 59% green + 30% red
For example, if the blue, green, and red intensities are 45, 20, and
20, then the gray intensity value calculation would be:
gray value = (.11 * 45) + (.59 * 20) + (.30 * 20) = 22
Note: The fractional part of the result is dropped.
■ All entries in the palette can be modified in one PALETTE USING
statement. Each attribute in the palette is assigned a corresponding
color from the array.
■ A color argument of -1 in the array leaves the attribute unchanged in
the palette. All other negative numbers are invalid values for color.
■ The dimensions for the array must be large enough to set all the
palette entries after index%. For example, if you are assigning colors
to a palette with 16 attributes and the argument index% is 5 (the first
array element to use in resetting the palette), then the dimensions for
the array must be large enough to hold at least 20 elements (because
the number of elements from 5 to 20, inclusive, is 16):
DIM PAL%(20) ' Other statements can go between