Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
AAM Instruction
 Detail Key Example                    Up Contents Index Back
  Title:    ASCII Adjust after Multiply           Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
  Syntax:   AAM                                          ?       ± ± ? ± ?
  See also: AAA, AAS, AAD, DAA, DAS
     Converts an 8-bit binary number (less than 100 decimal) in AL to an
     unpacked BCD number in AX. The most significant digit goes in AH
     and the least significant in AL.
     Use this instruction to adjust the product after a MUL instruction
     that multiplies unpacked BCD digits in AH and AL. You can also use
     AAM to adjust the quotient after a DIV instruction that divides a
     binary number less than 100 decimal in AX by an unpacked BCD