Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DAA Instruction
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  Title:    Decimal Adjust after Addition         Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
  Syntax:   DAA                                          ?       ± ± ± ± ±
  See also: DAS, AAA, AAS, AAM, AAD
     Adjusts the result of an addition to a packed BCD number (less
     than 100 decimal). The previous addition instruction should place
     its 8-bit binary sum in AL. DAA converts this binary sum to packed
     BCD format with the least significant decimal digit in the lower
     four bits and the most significant digit in the upper four bits.
     If the sum is greater than 99h after adjustment, the carry
     and auxiliary carry flags are set. Otherwise, the carry and
     auxiliary carry flags are cleared.