Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
FDISI/FENI Instructions
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  Title:    Enable or Disable Interrupts
            8087 Only
  Syntax:   FDISI
  See also: .8087
     FDISI disables interrupts by setting the interrupt-enable mask in
     the control word; FENI enables them by clearing the interrupt-
     enable mask. Since the 80287, 80387, and 80486 do not have an
     interrupt-enable mask, FDISI and FENI are recognized but ignored
     on these coprocessors.
     These instructions have wait and no-wait versions. The wait
     versions (FDISI and FENI) check for unmasked numeric errors; the
     no-wait versions (FNDISI and FNENI) do not. When the .8087
     directive is used, the assembler puts the WAIT instruction before
     the wait versions and the NOP instruction before the no-wait