Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
LGDT Instructions
 Detail Key                               Up Contents Index Back
  Title:    Load Descriptor Table                 Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
            80286-80486 Privileged Only                  ═════════════════
                                                         ?       ± ± ? ± ?
  Syntax:   LGDT table
            LIDT table
            LLDT table
  See also: .286P, SGDT
     Loads a value from an operand into a descriptor table register.
     LGDT loads into the Global Descriptor Table, LIDT into the
     Interrupt Descriptor Table, and LLDT into the Local Descriptor
     These instructions are available only in protected mode. See Intel
     documentation for details on descriptor tables and other
     privileged-mode concepts.