Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
MUL Instruction
 Detail Key Example                    Up Contents Index Back
  Title:    Unsigned Multiply                     Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
  Syntax:   MUL src                                      ±       ? ? ? ? ±
  See also: IMUL, DIV, IDIV, SHL
     Multiplies an implied destination operand by a specified source
     operand. Both operands are treated as unsigned numbers. If a
     single 16-bit operand is given, the implied destination is AX and
     the product goes into the DX:AX register pair. If a single 8-bit
     operand is given, the implied destination is AL and the product
     goes into AX.
     On the 80386/486, if the operand is EAX, the product goes into the
     EDX:EAX register pair. The carry and overflow flags are set if DX
     is not 0 for 16-bit operands or if AH is not 0 for 8-bit operands.