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Return Segment or Group of Expression
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  Syntax:   SEG expression
            MASM 5.1 Compatibility
     Returns the segment or group of <expression>. If <expression> does
     not have an explicit segment or group, SEG returns the segment or
     group of the SEG expression itself. If the SEG expression has no
     segment or group, SEG returns the value of <expression>.
     The <expression> is any label, variable, group name, or other
     memory operand; it cannot be a constant.
     In MASM 5.1, the SEG operator returns a label's segment address unless
     the frame is explicitly specified, in which case it returns the segment
     address of the frame. A statement such as SEG DGROUP:var always returns
     DGROUP, whereas SEG var always returns the segment address of var.
     OPTION M510 forces this same behavior in MASM 6.1. If you do not use
     OPTION M510, the behavior of the SEG operator is determined by the
     OPTION OFFSET directive
     In MASM 6.1, the value returned by the SEG operator applied to a non-
     external variable depends on compatibility mode. Without OPTION M510,
     SEG returns the address of the frame (the segment, group, or the value
     assumed to the segment register) if one has been explicitly set. With
     OPTION M510, SEG returns the group if one has been specified. In the
     absence of a defined group, SEG returns the segment where the variable
     is defined.