Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 10h Function 10h Subfunction 13h
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  Interrupt:   10h     Function:   10h     Subfunction:   13h
  Title:       Set Color Page State
  See also:    Get Color Page State
  Description:                                                     [VGA]
     Selects the paging mode for the color registers, or selects an
     individual page of color registers. This function is not valid
     in mode 13h (320-by-200 256-color graphics).
     Input                                     Output
     To select the paging mode                 None
       AH = 10h
       AL = 13h
       BH = Paging mode
          = 00h for 4 pages of 64 registers
          = 01h for 16 pages of 16 registers
       BL = 00h
     To select a color register page
       AH = 10h
       AL = 13h
       BH = Page
       BL = 01h