Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 10h Function 13h
 Detail                                    Up Contents Index Back
  Interrupt:   10h     Function:   13h
  Title:       Write String in Teletype Mode
  See also:    Write Character in Teletype Mode
  Description:                     [MDA] [CGA] [PCjr] [EGA] [MCGA] [VGA]
     Transfers a string to the video buffer for the currently active
     display, starting at the specified position.
     Input                                             Output
     AH = 13h                                          None
     AL = Write mode
        = 0  Attribute in BL;
             string contains character codes only;
             and cursor position is not updated
             after write
        = 1  Attribute in BL; string contains
             character codes only; and cursor
             position is updated after write
        = 2  String contains alternating character
             codes and attribute bytes; and cursor
             position is not updated after write
        = 3  String contains alternating character
             codes and attribute bytes; and cursor
             position is updated after write
     BH = Page
     BL = Attribute (if AL = 00h or 01h)
     CX = Length of character string
     DH = y coordinate (row)
     DL = x coordinate (column)
     ES:BP = segment:offset of string