Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Int 14h Function 04h
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  Interrupt:   14h     Function:   04h
  Title:       Extended Initialize Communications Port
  Description:                                                      [PS/2]
     Initializes a serial communications port to a desired baud rate,
     parity, word length, and number of stop bits. Provides a superset
     of Int 14h Function 00h capabilities for PS/2 machines.
     Input                                   Output
     AH = 04h                                AH = Port status
     AL = Break flag                              See: Int 14h Function 00h
        = 00h     No break                   AL = Modem status
        = 01h     Break                           See: Int 14h Function 00h
     BH = Parity
        = 00h     None
        = 01h     Odd
        = 02h     Even
        = 03h     Stick parity odd
        = 04h     Stick parity even
     BL = Stop bits
        = 00h     1 stop bit
        = 01h     2 stop bits if
                  word length = 6-8 bits
        = 01h     1.5 stop bits if
                  word length = 5 bits
     CH = Word length
        = 00h     5 bits
        = 01h     6 bits
        = 02h     7 bits
        = 03h     8 bits
     CL = Baud rate
        = 00h     110 baud
        = 01h     150 baud
        = 02h     300 baud
        = 03h     600 baud
        = 04h     1200 baud
        = 05h     2400 baud
        = 06h     4800 baud
        = 07h     9600 baud
        = 08h     19,200 baud
     DX = Communications port number
          (0 = COM1, 1 = COM2,...)