Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 29h
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   29h
  Title:       Parse Filename
     Parses a text string into the various fields of a file control
     block (FCB).
     Input                                      Output
     AH = 29h                                    AL = 00h (if no
     AL = Flags to control parsing                         wildcard
          Bit 3 = 1 (if the extension field                characters
                     in FCB will be modified               encountered
                     only if an extension is
                     specified in the string        = 01h (if parsed
                     being parsed)                         string
                = 0 (if the extension field                contained
                     in FCB will be modified               wildcard
                     regardless; if no                     characters)
                     extension is present
                     in the parsed string,          = FFh (if drive
                     FCB extension is set                  specifier
                     to ASCII blanks)                      invalid)
          Bit 2 = 1 (if the filename field
                     in FCB will be modified     DS:SI = segment:offset
                     only if a filename is               of first
                     specified in the string             character
                     being parsed)                       after parsed
                = 0 (if the filename field               filename
                     in FCB will be modified
                     regardless; if no           ES:DI = segment:offset
                     filename is present                 of formatted
                     in the parsed string,               unopened file
                     FCB file name is set to             control block
                     ASCII blanks)
          Bit 1 = 1 (if the drive ID byte in
                     FCB will be modified
                     only if a drive was
                     specified in the string
                     being parsed)
                = 0 (if the drive ID byte
                     in FCB will be modified
                     regardless; if no drive
                     specifier is present
                     in the parsed string,
                     FCB drive-code field is
                     set to 0 (default))
          Bit 0 = 1 (if the leading
                     separators will be
                     scanned off (ignored))
                = 0 (if the leading
                     separators will not be
                     scanned off)
     DS:SI = segment:offset of text string
     ES:DI = segment:offset of file control block