Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 2Dh
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   2Dh
  Title:       Set Time
  See also:    Get Time, Set Date, Get or Set File Date and Time,
     Initializes the system real-time clock to a specified hour,
     minute, second, and hundredth of second. The system date is not
     affected. This function's register format is the same as that
     required for Int 21h Function 2Ch (Get Time).
     Input                           Output
     AH = 2Dh                        AL = 00h (if time set
     CH = Hours (0 through 23)                 successfully)
     CL = Minutes (0 through 59)        = FFh (if time not valid
     DH = Seconds (0 through 59)               (ignored))
     DL = Hundredths of seconds
          (0 through 99)