Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 30h
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   30h
  Title:       Get MS-DOS Version Number
  See also:    @GetVer
     Returns the version number of the host MS-DOS operating system.
     This function is used by application programs to determine the
     capabilities of their environment.
     Input        Output
     AH = 30h     If running under MS-DOS version 1.0
                    AL = 00h
                  If running under MS-DOS version 2.0 and later
                    AL = Major version number (MS-DOS 3.1 = 3,...)
                    AH = Minor version number (MS-DOS 3.1 = 0Ah,...)
                    BH = Original Equipment Manufacturer's (OEM's)
                         serial number (OEM dependent--usually 00h for
                         IBM's PC-DOS, 0FFh or other values for MS-DOS)
                    BL:CX = 24-bit user serial number (optional, OEM