Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 36h
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   36h
  Title:       Get Drive Allocation Information
  See also:    Get Drive Data, Get Drive Parameters, Select Disk,
     Obtains selected information about a disk drive, from which the
     drive's capacity and remaining free space can be calculated.
     Input                             Output
     AH = 36h                          If function successful
     DL = Drive code (0 = default,       AX = Sectors per cluster
          1 = A,...)                     BX = Number of available
                                         CX = Bytes per sector
                                         DX = Clusters per drive
                                       If function unsuccessful
                                       (drive invalid)
                                         AX = FFFFh