Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 44h Subfunction 0Dh
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   44h     Subfunction:   0Dh
  Title:       IOCTL: Generic I/O Control for Block Devices [Version 3.2+]
     Provides a general-purpose mechanism for communication between
     application programs and block device drivers. Allows a program to
     inspect or change device parameters for a logical drive and to
     read, write, format, and verify disk tracks in a hardware-independent
     Input                                Output
     AH = 44h                             If function successful
     AL = 0Dh                               Carry flag: clear
     BL = Drive code (0 = default,        And if called with
          1 = A, 2 = B,...)               CL = 60h or 61h
     CH = Category (major) code:            DS:DX = segment:offset of
          08h = Disk drive                          parameter block
     CL = Function (minor) code:
          40h = Set Device Parameters     If function unsuccessful
          41h = Write Track                 Carry flag: set
          42h = Format and Verify           AX = Error code (01h or 02h)
                Track                       See: Error codes
          46h = Set Media ID (4.0+)
          47h = Set Access Flag
          60h = Get Device Parameters
          61h = Read Track
          62h = Verify Track
          66h = Get Media ID (4.0+)
          67h = Get Access Flag
     DS:DX = segment:offset of
             parameter block