Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 44h Subfunction 0Eh
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   44h     Subfunction:   0Eh
  Title:       IOCTL: Get Logical Drive Map [Version 3.2+]
     Returns the logical drive code that was most recently used to
     access the specified block device. If a drive has not been
     assigned a logical mapping with Function 44h Subfunction OFh,
     the logical and physical drive codes are the same.
     Input                   Output
     AH = 44h                If function successful
     AL = 0Eh                  Carry flag: clear
     BL = Drive code           AL = Mapping code
          (0 = default,           = 00h (if only one logical drive code
           1 = A, 2 = B,                 assigned to the block device)
           ...)                   = 01h-1Ah (logical drive code (1 = A,
                                             2 = B,...) mapped to
                                             the block device)
                             If function unsuccessful
                               Carry flag: set
                               AX = Error code (01h or 05h)
                               See: Error codes