Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21h Function 5Bh
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  Interrupt:   21h     Function:   5Bh
  Title:       Create New File [Version 3.0+]
  See also:    Create File, @MakeFile
     Given an ASCIIZ path name, creates a file in the designated or
     default directory on the designated or default drive and returns a
     handle that can be used by the program for subsequent access to
     the file. If a file with the same name already exists, the
     function fails.
     Input                                     Output
     AH = 5Bh
     CX = Attribute (bits can be combined)     If function successful
                                                 Carry flag: clear
          Bits     Significance (if set)         AX = Handle
          0        Read-only                   If function unsuccessful
          1        Hidden                        Carry flag: set
          2        System                        AX = Error code (03h, 04h,
          3        Volume label                       05h, or 50h)
          4        Reserved (0)                  See: Error codes
          5        Archive
          6-15     Reserved (0)
     DS:DX = segment:offset of ASCIIZ
             path name