Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Int 23h
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     The initialization code for an application can use Int 21h
     Function 25h to reset the Interrupt 23h vector to point to its own
     routine for CTRL+C handling. In this way, the program can avoid
     being terminated unexpectedly as the result of the user's entry of
     CTRL+C or CTRL+Break.
     When CTRL+C is detected and the program's Int 23h handler
     receives control, all registers are set to their values at the
     point of the original function call. The handler can then do any
     of the following:
        ■ Set a local flag for later inspection by the application, or
          take any other appropriate action, and perform an IRET. All
          registers must be preserved. The MS-DOS function in progress
          will be restarted from scratch and will proceed to
          completion, control finally returning to the application in
          the normal manner.
        ■ Take appropriate action and then perform a RET FAR to give
          control back to MS-DOS. The state of the carry flag is used
          by MS-DOS to determine what action to take. If the carry flag
          is set, the application will be terminated; if the carry flag
          is clear, the application will continue in the normal manner.
        ■ Retain control by transferring to an error-handling routine
          within the application and then resume execution or take
          other appropriate action, never performing a RET FAR or an
          IRET to end the interrupt-handling sequence. This option will
          cause no harm to the system.
     Any MS-DOS function call may be used within the body of an Int 23h