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;* GetStr - Gets a string of up to 128 characters from the user. Since
;* this function uses the DOS input mechanism, it can use the DOS editing
;* keys or the keys of a DOS command-line editor if one is loaded.
;* Shows: DOS Function - 0Ah (Buffered Keyboard Input)
;* Directive - EQU
;* Params: Strbuf - Pointer to area where input string will be placed
;* Maxlen - Maximum length (up to 128 characters) of string
;* Return: 0 if successful, 1 if error (Maxlen is too long)
actual BYTE ?
string BYTE MAXSTR DUP (?)
GetStr PROC USES si di,
mov ax, 1 ; Assume error
mov cx, Maxlen ; Copy length to register
.IF (cx != 0) && (cx <= MAXSTR) ; Error if 0 or too long
mov max, cl ; Load maximum length
mov ah, 0Ah ; Request DOS Function 0Ah
mov dx, OFFSET max ; Load offset of string
int 21h ; Buffered Keyboard Input
mov bl, actual ; Put number of characters read
sub bh, bh ; in BX
mov string[bx], 0 ; Null-terminate string
mov cx, bx ; Put count in CX
inc cx ; Plus one for the null terminator
LoadPtr es, di, Strbuf ; ES:DI points to destination buffer
mov si, OFFSET string ; DS:SI points to source string
rep movsb ; Copy source to destination
sub ax, ax ; Return 0 for success