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;* LOOPS.ASM - Illustrates directives that control looping. The
;* following directives can be used in place of loops generated
;* with the LOOP, LOOPNE, LOOPE, JCXC, and conditional jump
;* instructions. See LOOPSO.ASM for an example of old-style loops.
;* Shows: Directives - .REPEAT .UNTIL .UNTILCXZ
;* DOS function - 07h (Raw Input, No Echo)
.MODEL small, c, os_dos ; Small model (could be any model)
.DOSSEG ; Force DOS segment order
msg1 BYTE 13, 10, "Iteration: " ; Iteration message
num1 BYTE 0, "$" ; Place holder for iteration byte
msg2 BYTE 13, 10, "Alphabet: $" ; Alphabet message
num2 BYTE 0, " $" ; Place holder
msg3 BYTE 13, 10, "Type digits, then press ENTER: $"
.STARTUP ; Initialize
; A simple loop that repeats until CX is zero. This is equivalent to a
; LOOP instruction.
mov cx, 9
sub bl, bl
mov bl, 10 ; Calculate iteration number
sub bl, cl
mov num1, bl ; Copy number to memory
add num1, '0' ; Convert to ASCII
mov ah, 09h ; Request DOS Function 9
mov dx, OFFSET msg1 ; Load offset of string
int 21h ; Display string
; This conditional loop does its test at the end. It will always execute
; at least once, regardless of entry conditions.
mov dx, OFFSET msg2 ; Load offset of string
int 21h ; Display string
mov bl, 'a'
.REPEAT ; While lowercase letter:
mov num2, bl ; Copy letter to memory
inc bl ; Next letter
mov dl, bl ; Load for display
mov ah, 09h ; Request DOS Function 9
mov dx, OFFSET num2 ; Load offset of string
int 21h ; Display string
.UNTIL bl > 'z'
mov ah, 09h ; Request DOS Function 9
mov dx, OFFSET msg3 ; Load offset of string
int 21h ; Display string
; A common loop in assembler is one with the conditional test in the
; middle. This loop has two tests--one that breaks and one that
; continues to the top of the loop.
.WHILE 1 ; Loop forever (or until break)
mov ah, 07h ; Get key without echo
int 21h
.BREAK .IF al == 13 ; Terminate if ENTER
.CONTINUE .IF (al < '0') || (al > '9') ; Skip if not digit
mov dl, al ; Copy
mov ah, 02h ; Output character
int 21h
.EXIT 0 ; Exit with return code 0