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;* Quadratic - Solves for the roots of a quadratic equation of form
;* A*x*x + B*x + C = 0
;* using floating-point instructions. This procedure requires either a math
;* coprocessor or emulation code.
;* Shows: Instructions - sahf fld1 fld fadd fmul
;* fxch fsubr fchs fsubp fstp
;* fst fstsw fdivr fwait ftst
;* Params: a - Constant for 2nd-order term
;* b - Constant for 1st-order term
;* c - Equation constant
;* R1 - Pointer to 1st root
;* R2 - Pointer to 2nd root
;* Return: Short integer with return code
;* 0 if both roots found
;* 1 if single root (placed in R1)
;* 2 if indeterminate
Quadratic PROC USES ds di si,
LOCAL status:WORD ; Intermediate status
LoadPtr es, di, r1 ; ES:DI points to 1st root
LoadPtr ds, si, r2 ; DS:SI points to 2nd root
sub bx, bx ; Clear error code
fld1 ; Load top of stack with 1
fadd st, st ; Double it to make 2
fld st ; Copy to next register
fmul aa ; ST register = 2a
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jnz notzero ; If C3 set, a = 0, in which case
; solution is x = -c / b
fld cc ; Load c parameter
fchs ; Reverse sign
fld bb ; Load b parameter
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jz exit2 ; If C3 set, b = 0, in which case
; division by zero
fdiv ; Divide by B
fstp DWORD PTR es:[di] ; Copy result and pop stack
fstp st ; Clean up stack
jmp exit1 ; Return with code = 1
fmul st(1), st ; ST(1) register = 4a
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST(1)
fmul cc ; ST register = 4ac
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jp exit2 ; If C2 set, 4*a*c is infinite
fld bb ; Else load b parameter
fmul st, st ; Square it; ST register = b*b
fsubr ; ST register = b*b - 4*a*c
ftst ; Test current ST value
fstsw status ; Copy status to local word
fwait ; Ensure coprocessor is done
mov ax, status ; Copy status into AX
sahf ; Load flag register
jc exit2 ; If C0 set, b*b < 4ac
jnz tworoot ; If C3 set, b*b = 4ac, in which
inc bx ; case only 1 root so set flag
fsqrt ; Get square root
fld bb ; Load b parameter
fchs ; Reverse sign
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST1
fld st ; Copy square root to next reg
fadd st, st(2) ; ST = -b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fxch ; Exchange ST and ST1
fsubp st(2), st ; ST = -b - sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fdiv st, st(2) ; Divide 1st dividend by 2*a
fstp DWORD PTR es:[di] ; Copy result, pop stack
fdivr ; Divide 2nd dividend by 2*a
fstp DWORD PTR ds:[si] ; Copy result, pop stack
jmp exit ; Return with code
inc bx ; Error code = 2 for indeterminancy
fstp st ; Clean stack
inc bx ; Error code = 1 for single root
fstp st ; Clean stack
mov ax, bx
Quadratic ENDP