Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
.8086 Instructions Enabled
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     AAA     CMPSW   JB     JNG    LEA       MOVS    RETF    STOS
     AAD     CWD     JBE    JNGE   LES       MOVSB   RETN    STOSB
     AAM     DAA     JC     JNL    LODS      MOVSW   ROL     STOSW
     AAS     DAS     JCXZ   JNLE   LODSB     MUL     ROR     SUB
     ADC     DEC     JE     JNO    LODSW     NEG     SAHF    TEST
     ADD     DIV     JG     JNP    LOOP      NOP     SAL     WAIT
     AND     HLT     JGE    JNS    LOOPE     NOT     SAR     XCHG
     CALL    IDIV    JL     JNZ    LOOPEW    OR      SBB     XLAT
     CBW     IMUL    JLE    JO     LOOPNE    OUT     SCAS    XLATB
     CLC     IN      JMP    JP     LOOPNEW   POP     SCASB   XOR
     CLD     INC     JNA    JPE    LOOPNZ    POPF    SCASW
     CLI     INT     JNAE   JPO    LOOPNZW   PUSH    SHL
     CMC     INTO    JNB    JS     LOOPW     PUSHF   SHR
     CMP     IRET    JNBE   JZ     LOOPZ     RCL     STC
     CMPS    JA      JNC    LAHF   LOOPZW    RCR     STD
     CMPSB   JAE     JNE    LDS    MOV       RET     STI