Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Generate Error If Arguments Are Same/Different
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  Syntax:   .ERRDIF[I] <textitem1>, <textitem2> [,message]
            .ERRIDN[I] <textitem1>, <textitem2> [,message]
     The .ERRDIF directive generates an A2060 error if <textitem1> and
     <textitem2> are different. .ERRIDN generates an A2059 error if the
     arguments are identical. These directives are commonly used inside
     macros to test for bad values passed as parameters. The .ERRDIFI
     and .ERRIDNI directives act the same as the .ERRDIF and .ERRIDN
     directives but perform case-insensitive comparisons.
     The <textitem1> and <textitem2> parameters are text items.
     See: textitem
     If <message> is given, it will be displayed with the standard
     assembler error messages. The <message> parameter is any text item.
     See: textitem