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ENVIRON$ Function Details
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Syntax 1
  ENVIRON$ (environmentstring$)
Syntax 2
  ENVIRON$ (n)
    ■ The argument environmentstring$ is a string constant or variable
      that contains the name of an environment variable. The name of the
      environment variable must be uppercase. For example, ENVIRON$ ("PATH")
      returns the PATH environment variable; ENVIRON$ ("path") returns a
      null string.
Usage Notes
    ■ If you specify an environment-string name, but it cannot be found
      in the environment-string table, or there is no text following it,
      then ENVIRON$ returns a null string. Otherwise, ENVIRON$ returns
      the text following the equal sign in the environment-string table.
    ■ If you specify a numeric argument (n), the nth string in the
      environment-string table is returned. In this case, the string
      includes all of the text, including environmentstring$. If the nth
      does not exist, ENVIRON$ returns a null string. The n argument can
      be any numeric expression; it is rounded to an integer.