bas7advr.hlp (Topic list)
EXP Function Details
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EXP calculates the exponential function and returns e (the base of the
natural logarithm) to the power of numeric expression x.
Usage Notes
    ■ EXP is calculated in single precision if the exponent x is an
      integer or single-precision value. If you use any other numeric data
      type, EXP is calculated in double-precision.
    ■ The exponent x must be less than or equal to 88.02969 when you are
      using single-precision values and less than or equal to
      709.782712893 when you are using double-precision values. If you use
      a value of x that is not within those limits, BASIC produces the
      error message, "Overflow."
    ■ The constant e is approximately equal to 2.718282.