bas7advr.hlp (Topic list)
LPRINT USING Statement Details
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LPRINT USING prints data to the printer LPT1.
LPRINT USING formatstring$; expressionlist [{;|,}]
    ■ Because the LPRINT USING statement uses the LPT1 printer device, you
      should not use LPRINT USING in a program that also contains an
      OPEN "LPT1" statement. Using these two statements together produces
      unpredictable results.
Usage Notes
    ■ This statement functions in the same way as the PRINT USING
      statement except that output goes to the printer.
    ■ The printer output from an LPRINT USING statement will be the same as
      the screen output from a PRINT USING statement, if both statements
      have the same values for formatstring$, expressionlist, and
      output-line width.
    ■ The LPRINT USING statement assumes an 80-character-wide printer. This
      width can be changed with a WIDTH statement.
    ■ If you use LPRINT USING with no arguments, a blank line is printed.