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PUT Statement (Graphics) Details
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The PUT statement places a graphic image obtained by a GET statement
on the screen.
PUT [STEP](x!,y!),arrayname#[(indexes%)] [,actionverb]
    ■ STEP indicates that the given x and y coordinates are relative,
      not absolute. The coordinates are treated as distances from the most-
      recent cursor location, not distances from the (0,0) screen coordinate.
      For example, if the most-recent cursor location were (10,10), then
          PUT STEP (10,5),Ball
      would put the object stored in Ball at (20,15).
    ■ (x!,y!) are coordinates that specify the top-left corner of the
      rectangle enclosing the image to be placed in the current output
      window. The entire rectangle to be put on the screen must be
      within the bounds of the current viewport.
      ║ Note: If a WINDOW statement without a SCREEN argument appears
      ║       in a program before PUT, the coordinates refer to the
      ║       lower-left corner of the rectangle.
    ■ arrayname# is the name of the array that holds the image.
      See the GET statement for information about the number of elements
      that are required in the array, which can be multidimensional.
    ■ indexes% specifies that the image is retrieved starting from the
      designated array element, rather than at the first array element.
    ■ The argument actionverb determines the interaction between the
      stored image and the one already on the screen. The default
      actionverb value is XOR.
      actionverb    Description
      ══════════    ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
      XOR           Inverts the points on the screen where a point exists
                    in the array image:
                      - When an image is placed on the screen against a
                        complex background twice, the background is
                        restored; this behavior is exactly like that of
                        the cursor.
                      - You can move an object around the screen without
                        erasing the background, thus creating animation
      PSET          Transfers the data point-by-point onto the screen.
                    Each point has the exact color attribute it had when
                    it was taken from the screen with GET.
      PRESET        The same as PSET except that a negative image (for
                    example, black on white) is produced.
      AND           Used when the image is to be transferred over an
                    existing image on the screen:
                      - The resulting image is the result of a logical
                        AND operation on of the stored image and the
                      - Points that had the same color in both the
                        existing image and the stored image remain the
                        same color.
                      - Points that do not have the same color in both
                        the existing image and the stored image do not.
      OR            Used to superimpose the image onto an existing image:
                      - The resulting image is the product of a logical OR
                        operation of the stored image and the screen image.
                      - The stored image does not erase the previous
                        screen contents.