bas7advr.hlp (Topic list)
TAN Function Details
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TAN returns the tangent of the angle x.
    ■ The argument x can be of any numeric type.
Usage Notes
    ■ TAN is calculated in single precision if the argument x is an
      integer or single-precision value. If you use any other numeric data
      type, TAN is calculated in double-precision.
    ■ To convert values from degrees to radians, multiply the angle
      (in degrees) times PI/180 (or .0174532925199433) where PI = 3.141593.
    ■ To convert a radian value to degrees, multiply it by 180/PI
      (or 57.2957795130824) where PI = 3.141593.
Differences from BASICA
    ■ In BASICA, if TAN overflows, the interpreter generates the error
      message, "Overflow," returns machine infinity as the result, and
      continues execution. In the correct version of BASIC, if TAN
      overflows, machine infinity is not returned, and execution halts
      (unless the program has an error-handling routine).