bas7advr.hlp (Topic list)
WIDTH Statements Details
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Assigns an output-line width to a device (such as a printer), or changes the
number of text columns and lines displayed on the screen.
WIDTH {#filenumber% | device$}, width%
WIDTH {screenwidth% | ,screenheight% | screenwidth%, screenheight}
    ■ The WIDTH #filenumber%, width% form:
        - Sets the line width of an output device already opened as a file
          (for example, LPT1: or CONS:).
        - The argument filenumber% is the file number associated with the
          device through the OPEN statement.
        - The "#" character in front of filenumber% is not optional.
        - The width assignment takes place immediately.
    ■ The WIDTH device$, width% form:
        - Sets to width% the line width of device$ (a device filename).
          The device should be a string expression (for example, "LPT1:").
        - The width assignment is deferred until the next OPEN statement
          affecting the device.
        - The assignment does not affect output for an already open device.
    ■ The WIDTH LPRINT width% form:
        - Sets the line width of the line printer for use by subsequent
          LPRINT statements.
        - Equivalent to the statement form: WIDTH "LPT1:", width
    ■ The WIDTH {screenwidth% | ,screenheight% | screenwidth%, screenheight}
        - Sets the number of text character columns and lines to display
          on the screen.
        - The value of screenwidth% must be either 40 or 80; default
          is 80.
        - The value of screenheight% may be 25, 30, 43, 50, or 60,
          depending on the display adapter used and the screen mode.
        - The number of lines that can be displayed when the program
          is started are listed below:
                Screen   Screenwidth x               Color
   Adapter(1)   mode(2)  screenheight                display
   ═══════════  ═══════  ══════════════════════════  ═══════════════════════
   MDPA         0        80x25                       Monochrome
   Hercules     0        80x25                       Monochrome
                3        80x25                       Monochrome
   CGA          0        40x25, 80x25                Color
                1        40x25                       Color
                2        80x25                       Color
   EGA          0        40x25, 40x43, 80x25, 80x43  Color
                0        40x25, 40x43, 80x25, 80x43  Enhanced color
                0        40x25, 40x43, 80x25, 80x43  Monochrome
                1        40x25                       Color or Enhanced color
                2        80x25                       Color or Enhanced color
                7        40x25                       Color or Enhanced color
                8        80x25                       Color or Enhanced color
   EGA          9        80x25, 80x43                Enhanced color
   EGA or VGA  10        80x25, 80x43                Monochrome
   VGA          0        40x25, 40x43, 40x50         Analog
                0        80x25, 80x43, 80x50         Analog
                1        40x25                       Analog
                2        80x25                       Analog
                7        40x25                       Analog
                8        80x25                       Analog
                9        80x25, 80x43                Analog
               10        80x25, 80x43                Analog
               11        80x30, 80x60                Analog
               12        80x30, 80x60                Analog
               13        40x25                       Analog
   MCGA         0        40x25, 80x25                Color or Analog
                1        40x25                       Color or Analog
                2        80x25                       Color or Analog
               11        80x30, 80x60                Analog
               13        40x25                       Analog
   (1) See SCREEN Statement for a description of the different adapters.
   (2) Screen mode 4 has a screen width and screen height of 80x25
       in text format. For a list of the computers supported by
       BASIC screen mode 4, see the SCREEN Statement.