bas7advr.hlp (Topic list)
CHDIR Statement Details
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CHDIR changes the current default directory for the specified drive.
CHDIR pathname$
    ■ The argument pathname$ must have fewer than 64 characters.
      It has the following syntax:
    ■ The argument drive: is an optional drive specification. If you
      omit drive, CHDIR changes the default directory on the current drive.
Usage Notes
    ■ CHDIR cannot be shortened to CD.
    ■ CHDIR changes the default directory but not the default drive.
      For example, if the default drive is C, the following statement
      changes the default directory on drive D, but C remains the default
          CHDIR "D:\TMP"
    ■ Use CURDIR$ to return the current directory and CHDRIVE to change
      the default drive.