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ISAM Index Statements Programming Example
                       Example                 Contents  Index  Back
'This example uses the CREATEINDEX, SETINDEX and DELETEINDEX statements to
'index an ISAM file in several ways. It displays records from the file using
'the GETINDEX$ and BOF functions and the MOVEdest statements.
'Note: To run this program, you must load the ISAM TSR program PROISAMD.EXE.
'Also, this program assumes a file called BOOKS.MDB exists in the current
'directory. BOOKS.MDB is a sample ISAM file that SETUP copies to your disk.
'If this program is interrupted before the database is closed, the file
'BOOKS.MDB may be left in an inconsistent state.
TYPE BookRec
    IDNum AS DOUBLE             'Unique ID number for each book.
    Price AS CURRENCY           'Book's price.
    Edition AS INTEGER          'Book's edition
    Title AS STRING * 50        'Book's title.
    Publisher AS STRING * 50    'Book's publisher.
    Author AS STRING * 36       'Book's author.
DIM Library AS BookRec          'Record structure variable.
CONST Database = "books.mdb"    'Name of the disk file.
CONST TableName = "Bookstock"   'Name of the table.
tablenum = FREEFILE             'File number.
    OPEN Database FOR ISAM BookRec TableName AS tablenum
    CREATEINDEX tablenum, "A", 0, "Author"
    CREATEINDEX tablenum, "I", 1, "IDnum"
    CREATEINDEX tablenum, "T", 0, "Title"
    CREATEINDEX tablenum, "C", 0, "Price"
    'Display static instructions.
    CLS : LOCATE 13, 30
    PRINT "Choose a key:"
    PRINT SPC(9); "Move to:"; TAB(49); "Order by: X"
    PRINT : PRINT SPC(9); "F - First record"; TAB(49); "A - Author"
    PRINT : PRINT SPC(9); "L - Last record"; TAB(49); "I - ID Number"
    PRINT : PRINT SPC(9); "N - Next record"; TAB(49); "T - Title"
    PRINT : PRINT SPC(9); "P - Previous record"; TAB(49); "C - Cost"
    PRINT : PRINT SPC(9); "Q - Quit"; TAB(49); "X - No order"
    LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT TAB(37); "Books"
    PRINT STRING$(80, "-");
    VIEW PRINT 5 TO 10          'Set viewport for displaying records.
    MOVEFIRST tablenum
        'Display current record.
        RETRIEVE tablenum, Library
        PRINT "Author:    "; Library.Author;
        PRINT TAB(49); "ID #"; Library.IDNum
        PRINT "Title:     "; Library.Title
        PRINT "Publisher: "; Library.Publisher
        PRINT "Cost:     "; Library.Price
        PRINT SPC(30); msgtxt
        PRINT STRING$(64, "-");
        IF GETINDEX$(tablenum) = "" THEN
            PRINT STRING$(15, "-");
            PRINT "Index in use: "; GETINDEX$(tablenum);
        END IF
        'Get keystroke from user.
        validkeys$ = "FLNPQATICX"
            Keychoice$ = UCASE$(INKEY$)
        LOOP WHILE INSTR(validkeys$, Keychoice$) = 0 OR Keychoice$ = ""
        msgtxt = ""
        'Move to appropriate record, or change indexes.
        SELECT CASE Keychoice$
            CASE "F"
                MOVEFIRST tablenum
            CASE "L"
                MOVELAST tablenum
            CASE "N"
                MOVENEXT tablenum
                IF EOF(tablenum) THEN
                    MOVELAST tablenum
                    BEEP: msgtxt = "** At last record **"
                END IF
            CASE "P"
                MOVEPREVIOUS tablenum
                IF BOF(tablenum) THEN
                    MOVEFIRST tablenum
                    BEEP: msgtxt = "** At first record **"
                END IF
            CASE "Q"
                EXIT DO
            CASE ELSE           'User chose an index.
                VIEW PRINT
        LOCATE 13, 59: PRINT Keychoice$;
                VIEW PRINT 5 TO 10
                IF Keychoice$ = "X" THEN Keychoice$ = ""
                SETINDEX tablenum, Keychoice$
                MOVEFIRST tablenum
        END SELECT
    'User wants to quit, so reset viewport, delete indexes and close files.
    DELETEINDEX tablenum, "A"
    DELETEINDEX tablenum, "I"
    DELETEINDEX tablenum, "T"
    DELETEINDEX tablenum, "C"