bas7ex.hlp (Topic list)
ABS and DEFtype Programming Example
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'This example finds the cube root of an input value. It uses the
'ABS function to test if the current guess is accurate. The DEFDBL
'statement is used to establish the default for the variables.
Precision = .0000001#
CLS                               'Clear the screen.
INPUT "Enter a value: ", Value    'Prompt for input.
'Make the first two guesses.
X1 = 0#: X2 = Value
'Loop until the difference between guesses is
'less than the required precision.
DO UNTIL ABS(X1 - X2) < Precision
    X = (X1 + X2) / 2#
    ' Adjust the guesses.
    IF X * X * X - Value < 0# THEN
        X1 = X
        X2 = X
    END IF
PRINT "The cube root is "; X
'Sample Output
'Enter a value: 27
'The cube root is  2.99999997206032