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CIRCLE Statement Programming Example
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'This example uses the CIRCLE statement to draw a circle with the upper-left
'quarter missing; to position, using relative coordinates, a second circle
'within the missing quarter; and using a different aspect ratio, to draw a
'small ellipse inside the small circle.
CONST PI=3.141593
'Draw a circle with the upper-left quarter missing.
'Use negative numbers so radii are drawn.
CIRCLE (320,100), 200,, -PI, -PI/2
'Use relative coordinates to draw a circle within the missing quarter.
CIRCLE STEP (-100,-42),100
'Draw a small ellipse inside the circle.
CIRCLE STEP(0,0), 100,,,, 5/25
'Display the drawing until a key is pressed.
LOCATE 25,1 : PRINT "Press any key to end.";