bas7ex.hlp (Topic list)
FRE and STACK Programming Example
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'This example uses the FRE function to report the availability of memory
'resources. The example also uses the STACK function to allocate stack space.
'If QBX is invoked with the /Ea switch, the integer arrays used in this
'example will be placed in available EMS memory space, otherwise they will
'occupy far memory. If the arrays are placed in EMS, each array will reduce
'available EMS memory by 16K. If not in EMS, far memory will be reduced by
'the number of bytes occupied by the array rounded up to an even 16 bytes.
DECLARE SUB MakeSubString ()
DECLARE SUB Printit (a$)
DECLARE SUB Recursive (n!)
'Report the way things are to begin.
PRINT "Remaining space (in bytes) to begin with is:"
CALL Printit(a$)
'Create a 32K string and give report.
String1$ = STRING$(32767, 90)
PRINT "The remaining space after creating a 32K far string is:"
CALL Printit(String1$)
'Make a substring and give report.
PRINT "The remaing space after returning from a sub is:"
CALL Printit(String2$)
'Do 50 recursive calls to a SUB.
n = 50
CALL Recursive(n)
'Allocate 2K for the stack.
STACK (2048)
PRINT "After allocating 2K for the stack, the space is:"
CALL Printit(a$)
'Do another 50 recursive calls to a SUB.
n = 50
CALL Recursive(n)
'Dimension a 1001 element dynamic array in EMS.
REDIM a%(999)
PRINT "After dimensioning a 1000-element integer array, the space is:"
CALL Printit(a$)
PRINT "After dimensioning a second 1000-element integer array, the space is:"
REDIM B%(999)
CALL Printit(a$)
'Reset the stack to the default size.
PRINT "Stack reset to default value: "; STACK
SUB MakeSubString
SHARED String1$
    String2$ = STRING$(32767, 90)
    PRINT "The space remaining after creating a 32K sub string is:"
    CALL Printit(String1$)
SUB Printit (a$)
    PRINT "Far Memory"; TAB(15); "Stack"; TAB(25);
    PRINT "String Segment"; TAB(45); "Temp. Segment"; TAB(65); "EMS Memory"
    PRINT FRE(-1); TAB(15); FRE(-2); TAB(25); FRE(a$); TAB(45); FRE("");
    PRINT TAB(65); FRE(-3); "K"
SUB Recursive (n)
SHARED String1$
    n = n - 1
    IF n = 0 THEN
        PRINT "The remaining space after 50 recursive calls is:"
        CALL Printit(String1$)
        EXIT SUB
        CALL Recursive(n)
    END IF