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LINE Statement Programming Example
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'This example uses the LINE statement to display a series of screens
'with different line graphics.
'Note: To run this example, your screen must be 320 pixels wide by 200
'pixels high and support CGA screen mode.
SCREEN 1                   'Sets up the screen mode.
LINE -(X2, Y2)             'Draws a line (in the foreground color) from
                           'the most recent point to X2,Y2.
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
LINE(0, 0)-(319, 199)      'Draws a diagonal line across the screen.
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
LINE(0, 100)-(319, 100)    'Draws a horizontal line across the screen.
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
LINE(10, 10)-(20, 20), 2   'Draws a line in color 2.
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
FOR X = 0 to 319           'Draws an alternating pattern (line on/line off).
    LINE(X, 0)-(X, 199), X AND 1
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
LINE (0, 0)-(100, 100),, B         'Draws a box in the foreground color.
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
LINE STEP(0,0)-STEP(200,200),2,BF  'Draws a filled box in color 2
                                   '(coordinates are given as
                                   'offsets with the STEP option).
LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""     'Press any key to continue.
CLS    'Clear screen.
LINE(0,0)-(160,100),3,,&HFF00      'Draws a dashed line from the upper
                                   'lefthand corner to the center of
                                   'the screen in color 3.