◄Example► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 'This example uses the EVENT and SIGNAL statements to enable event 'trapping. The ON SIGNAL statement passes control to a handling routine 'when Ctrl-Break is pressed. 'Note: The SIGNAL and ON SIGNAL statements can only be used in the OS/2 'operating system. CLS ON ERROR GOTO ErrHandler PRINT "This program traps Control-Break in the OS/2 operating system." EVENT ON 'Set up the signal event trap. ON SIGNAL(4) GOSUB CtrlBreak 'Wait until the SIGNAL event occurs. 'Enable the trap. SIGNAL(4) ON DO LOOP UNTIL UCASE$(INKEY$) = "Q" PRINT "'Q' pressed - Program terminating normally." END CtrlBreak: PRINT "A SIGNAL(4) event occurred." PRINT "Press 'Q' to quit." RETURN ErrHandler: SELECT CASE ERR CASE 73 PRINT : PRINT "You cannot use the ON SIGNAL feature in DOS." CASE ELSE END SELECT END