bas7ex.hlp (Topic list)
ISAM Programming Example
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'This example uses the CREATETABLE statement to create a new table in an
'ISAM file and uses the SEEK, RETRIEVE, UPDATE, and INSERT statements to
'insert records into it.  It uses the LOF function to display the number of
'records in the new table and then destroys the table with DELETETABLE.
'Note: To run this program, you must load the ISAM TSR program PROISAMD.EXE.
'Also, this program assumes a file called BOOKS.MDB exists in the current
'directory. BOOKS.MDB is a sample ISAM file that SETUP copies to your disk.
'If this program is interrupted before the database is closed, the file
'BOOKS.MDB may be left in an inconsistent state.
TYPE BookRec
    IDNum AS DOUBLE             'Unique ID number for each book.
    Price AS CURRENCY           'Book's price.
    Edition AS INTEGER          'Book's Edition
    Title AS STRING * 50        'Book's title.
    Publisher AS STRING * 50    'Book's publisher.
    Author AS STRING * 36       'Book's author.
CONST Database = "BOOKS.MDB"    'Name of the disk file.
CONST tablename = "BookStock"   'Name of the table.
DIM Library AS BookRec          'Variable for current record.
DIM MinPrice AS CURRENCY        'SEEK criteria.
    'Open existing table.
    LibraryFile = FREEFILE
    OPEN Database FOR ISAM BookRec tablename AS LibraryFile
    CREATEINDEX LibraryFile, "Library", 0, "Price"
    SETINDEX LibraryFile, "Library"
    'Create and open a new table.
    NewFile = FREEFILE
    OPEN Database FOR ISAM BookRec "PricyBooks" AS NewFile
    'Fill new table with records for all books with price >= MinPrice.
            INPUT "Display books that cost as much or more than "; MinPrice
            IF MinPrice < 0 THEN PRINT "Positive values only, please."
        LOOP UNTIL MinPrice >= 0
        SEEKGE LibraryFile, MinPrice
        IF EOF(LibraryFile) THEN
            PRINT "There are no books greater than"; MinPrice
        END IF
    LOOP WHILE EOF(LibraryFile)
        RETRIEVE LibraryFile, Library
        INSERT NewFile, Library
        MOVENEXT LibraryFile
    LOOP UNTIL EOF(LibraryFile)
    'Loop through new table twice: first time ask for price increase;
    'second time display new price.
    FOR count = 1 TO 2
        PRINT SPC(18); "There are"; LOF(NewFile); "books that cost at least ";
        PRINT USING ("$###.##"); MinPrice
        PRINT " ID Number"; SPC(3); "Title"; SPC(20); "Author";
        PRINT SPC(11); "Publisher"; SPC(10); "Price"
        VIEW PRINT 3 TO 20
        MOVEFIRST NewFile
            RETRIEVE NewFile, Library
            PRINT Library.IDNum; " "; LEFT$(Library.Title, 20);
            IF LEN(RTRIM$(Library.Title)) > 20 THEN
                PRINT "...  ";
                PRINT "     ";
            END IF
            PRINT LEFT$(Library.Author, 15); "  ";
            PRINT LEFT$(Library.Publisher, 16); "  ";
            PRINT USING ("$###.##"); Library.Price
            MOVENEXT NewFile
        LOOP UNTIL EOF(NewFile)
        IF count = 1 THEN
            VIEW PRINT 20 TO 24: LOCATE 20, 1
                INPUT "Increase cost by how much (0-100%)"; increase
                IF increase < 0 OR increase > 100 THEN PRINT "Illegal value"
            LOOP UNTIL increase >= 0 AND increase <= 100
            'Update records in PricyBooks.
            MOVEFIRST NewFile
                RETRIEVE NewFile, Library
                Library.Price = (Library.Price * (100 + increase)) / 100
                'Overwrite record with increased price.
                UPDATE NewFile, Library
                'Force ISAM to flush the buffer to disk.
                MOVENEXT NewFile
            LOOP UNTIL EOF(NewFile)
        END IF
        VIEW PRINT 1 TO 19
    NEXT count
    'Destroy index and temporary table, close files.
    DELETEINDEX LibraryFile, "Library"
    DELETETABLE Database, "PricyBooks"