bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
    ■ filenumber%    The number of an open file or ISAM table.
    ■ attribute%     A numeric expression, either 1 or 2, that indicates
                     the type of information to return.
    When attribute% = 2    The DOS file handle if filenumber% indicates a
                           file, or 0 if filenumber% indicates an ISAM table.
    When attribute% = 1    A value indicating the file's mode:
                            Value    Mode          Value    Mode
                            ═══════════════        ═══════════════
                              1      Input           8      Append
                              2      Output         32      Binary
                              4      Random         64      ISAM
See Also    OPEN (File I/O)