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QBX Command Line Options
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QBX [/AH] [/B] [/C:buffersize] [{/Ea | /Es}] [/E:n] [/G] [/H]
[/K:[keyfile]] [/L [libraryname]] [/MBF] [/Nof[rills]] [/NOHI]
[[/RUN] programname] [/CMD string]
These options can be typed on the operating system command line following
the QBX command:
Option Description
/AH Allows dynamic arrays of records, fixed-length strings,
and numeric data to be larger than 64K each. If /AH
is not specified, the maximum size is 64K per dynamic
/B Allows the use of a composite (black-and-white) monitor
with a color graphics card. The /B option displays
QBX in black and white if you have a color monitor.
/C: buffersize Sets the size of the buffer receiving data. This option
works only with an asynchronous communications card.
The default buffer size is 512 bytes; the maximum size
is 32,767 bytes.
/Ea Allows arrays to be moved into expanded memory. /Ea
affects arrays with sizes between 512 bytes and
16 kilobytes, inclusive (with the exception of
variable-length string arrays, which are never moved
into expanded memory). If /Ea is not specified, no
arrays are moved into expanded memory.
Do not use /Ea if you pass arrays as parameters to
mixed-language Quick library routines. Do not use /Ea
with the /Es option.
When you invoke QBX with /Ea and /L, the specified
Quick library must have been compiled with the BC /Ah
or /D switch. This is necessary because /Ah and /D
cause run-time calls instead of inline code
generation for array references.
/E:n Limits the amount of expanded memory used by QBX, where
n is the amount of memory in kilobytes. If /E:n is not
specified, all available expanded memory may be used.
A value of 0 disables use of expanded memory by QBX, and
can improve the execution speed of some QBX operations.
/Es Allows you to share expanded memory between QBX and
Quick libraries or mixed-language routines that make use
of expanded memory. Specify /Es when you are using a
Quick library or mixed-language routine that makes use
of expanded memory. Do not use /Es with the /Ea option.
/G Sets QBX to update a CGA screen as fast as possible.
The option works only with machines using CGA
monitors. If you see snow (dots flickering on the
screen) when QBX updates your screen, then your
hardware cannot fully support the /G option. If you
prefer a clean screen, restart QBX without this option.
/H Displays the highest resolution possible on your
/K:[keyfile] Specifies a user-configurable key file to be loaded
into QBX. A key file has a .KEY filename extension,
and defines key mappings that will be used while
editing a file in QBX.
/L [libraryname] Loads the Quick library that is specified by libraryname.
If libraryname is not specified, the default Quick
library, QBX.QLB, is loaded.
/MBF Causes the QBX conversion functions to treat
IEEE-format numbers as Microsoft Binary format numbers.
/Nof Causes QBX to use about 19K less memory, freeing this
memory for other uses during program development. These
features are unavailable when /Nof is in use:
Utility menu and commands, Options menu and commands,
and Help menu and commands.
/NOHI Allows the use of a monitor that does not support high
intensity. Not for use with Compaq laptop computers.
programname Names the file to be loaded when QBX starts.
/RUN [programname] Causes QBX to load and run the program before
displaying it.
/CMD string Passes string to the COMMAND$ function. This option
must be the last option on the line.