bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Variable Storage and Memory Use
  Variables                                    Contents  Index  Back
                       Variable Storage and Memory Use
Type of BASIC data            Compiler options       Memory location
Simple numeric(1) variables     All                   DGROUP
Variable-length string          All                   DGROUP
Variable-length string data     Far Strings (/Fs)     Far Heap
Near strings                    Default               DGROUP
All numeric(1) array            All                   DGROUP
Static numeric(1) array data    All                   DGROUP
Dynamic numeric(1) array data   All                   Far Heap
Huge dynamic numeric(1) array   Huge Arrays (/Ah)     Far Heap
(1) Denotes INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, and user-defined data
    types and fixed-length strings.
When you compile from within QBX, the default compile option is far string
(/Fs) if a Quick library is loaded, and near string otherwise. When you
compile from the command line, near string storage is the default, as it
was in all previous versions of BASIC. To use far string storage instead,
add the /Fs option to the BASIC Compiler (BC) command line.
Because the QBX environment treats all strings as far strings, a program
that uses near pointers to string data cannot be run or debugged in the
QBX environment. However, the program may still work when compiled using
the near string compiler option, and can be debugged with CodeView. On
the other hand, far pointers will always work in QBX and in a program
compiled with far strings.
See Also    Variable Storage and Memory Use - Description
            Variable-Length String Storage
            String Array Storage
            Numeric Array Storage
            Static and Dynamic Arrays
            Huge Dynamic Array Storage