bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Syntax  Details  Example                 Contents  Index  Back
PRINT USING formatstring$; expressionlist [;]
    ■ formatstring$;    Specifies the format, using special characters.
    ■ expressionlist    The values that are printed on the screen.
                     Characters that format a numeric expression
 #    Digit position.                    ║ -     Placed after digit;
 .    Decimal point position.            ║       prints trailing sign for
 ,    Placed left of the decimal point,  ║       negative numbers
      prints a comma every third digit.  ║ $$    Prints leading $.
 +    Position of number sign.           ║ **    Fills leading spaces with *.
^^^^  Prints number in exponential format║ **$   Combines ** and $$.
                     Characters used to format a string expression
 &    Prints entire string.              ║ \ \   Prints first 'n' characters,
 !    Prints only the first character    ║       where n is the number of
      of the string.                     ║       blanks between slashes + 2.
                       Characters used to print literal characters
 _    Prints the following formatting    ║       Any character not in this
      character as a literal.            ║       table is printed as a
                                         ║       literal.
See Also    FormatX$ Functions    PRINT