C/C++ Compiler (cl.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Default Library
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─────C/C++ Compiler─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Both the name of libraries, in general, and the name of the default
     library──the name that the compiler embeds in an object file──are
     determined by the following variables:
        ■ Memory model that the library supports
        ■ Link mode that the library supports
        ■ Language that the library supports
        ■ Math model that the library supports
        ■ Operating-system mode that the library supports
     The following table shows the individual components of a library
     name and the order in which the components occur in the name of the
     final library.
     Memory     Link                  Math      Operating-
     Model      Mode     Language     Model     System Mode
     S          LIB      C            A         R
     M          DLL                   E         W
     C                                7         WQ
     Memory Model
     S    Tiny or small
     M    Medium
     C    Compact
     L    Large or huge
     Link Mode
     LIB  Static linking (linking that occurs at link time)
     DLL  Dynamic linking (linking that occurs at run time)
     C    The C programming language
     Math Model
     A    Fast alternate math
     E    Inline emulation or emulation calls
     7    Inline 80x87 or 80x87 calls
     Operating-System Mode
     R    Real mode (DOS)
     W    Windows
     WQ   QuickWin
     SLIBCEW     Small memory model, static linking, C programming
                 language, inline emulation or emulation calls,
     LLIBC7R     Large memory model, static linking, C programming
                 language, inline 80x87 or 80x87 calls, real mode.
        ■ QuickWin libraries (WQ) do not support dynamic linking.
        ■ Due to the Windows math implementation, the "7" component
          is not necessary for Windows libraries. Windows libraries
          support only the A and E math models.
        ■ For compatibility with previous versions of Microsoft C,
          LLIBCDLL.LIB does not comply with the C/C++ library naming
     See also: Suppressing Default Library Selection
               Overriding Default Library