C/C++ Compiler (cl.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Conflicting Options
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─────C/C++ Compiler─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     When the CL utility encounters conflicting options, it does one
     of two things: it either uses the most recently encountered
     option, or it emits an error message and terminates compilation.
     If CL encounters conflicting options for which it need not make
     major assumptions about the run-time environment, it uses the
     most recent version of the option. Examples of such options are
     setting warning levels (/W<x>), specifying inline expansion
     (/Ob<x>), or specifying structure packing (/Zp<x>). In the
     following example, MYAPP.C is compiled with the warning level set
     to 3:
          CL /W4 /W3 MYAPP.C
     If CL encounters conflicting options for which it must make major
     assumptions concerning the run-time environment, it emits an
     error message and then terminates compilation. Examples of such
     options are the floating-point options (/FP<x>) or the
     memory-model options (/A<x>). For example, CL terminates when it
     reads the following: