C/C++ Compiler (cl.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Restricting Length of External Names (/H)
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─────C/C++ Compiler─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Syntax:  /H number
     The /H option restricts the length of external (public) names. The
     <number> field accepts an integer specifying the maximum number of
     significant characters; the compiler considers only the first
     <number> characters of external names in the program. The program
     can contain external names longer than <number> characters, but the
     extra characters are ignored.
     Without the /H option, the default for C names is 32 characters;
     this includes any compiler-generated leading underscore (_) or at
     sign (@). (The compiler adds a leading underscore to names modified
     by __cdecl (default) calling conventions and a leading at sign to
     names modified by __fastcall calling conventions.) You can use the
     /H option to restrict C names to values less than the 32 character
     default, or you can specify the acceptance of C names up to a limit
     of 247.
     The /H option is ignored for C++ names. Names from C++ programs
     have no added leading characters. C++ and other decorated names
     have 247 significant characters.
     You may find /H useful when creating mixed-language or portable