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Math-Error Constants
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Constant:  Math errors
  Include:   <math.h>
  Context:   _matherr
  Summary:   The math error constants can be generated by the math
             routines of the run-time library.
     These errors, described as follows, correspond to the exception
     types defined in MATH.H and are returned by the _matherr function
     when a math error occurs.
     Constant       Meaning
     _DOMAIN        An argument to the function is outside the domain
                    of the function.
     _OVERFLOW      The result is too large to be represented in the
                    function's return type.
     _PLOSS         A partial loss of significance occurred.
     _SING          Argument singularity: an argument to the function
                    has an illegal value. (For example, the value 0 is
                    passed to a function that requires a nonzero
     _TLOSS         A total loss of significance occurred.
     _UNDERFLOW     The result is too small to be represented. (This
                    condition is not currently supported.)