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_locking Constants
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Include:   <sys\locking.h>
  Context:   _locking
  Summary:   The <mode> argument in the call to the _locking
             function specifies the locking action to be performed.
     The <mode> argument must be one of the following manifest
     Constant      Action
     _LK_LOCK      Locks the specified bytes. If the bytes cannot be
                   locked, the function tries again after one second.
                   If, after ten attempts, the bytes cannot be locked,
                   the function returns an error.
     _LK_RLCK      Same as _LK_LOCK.
     _LK_NBLCK     Locks the specified bytes. If bytes cannot be
                   locked, the function returns an error.
     _LK_NBRLCK    Same as _LK_NBLCK.
     _LK_UNLCK     Unlocks the specified bytes. (The bytes must have
                   been previously locked.)